Friday, October 5, 2012

A Season for Everything

Then God said, "Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them mark off the SEASONS, days and years." Genesis 1:8

Unlike ever before, I am excited about fall! Maybe because my life has slowed down, so I see that it's here. My husband must have read my mind. Because he planned a surprise trip to the mountains! (I love that man.)

So here we are, our family of four ready to ride out into the fresh fall air in a 17 mile bike ride. Those 2 little people made it especially memorable!
So we headed out, Sam on the tandem bike pulled by me, Arabella on the pull behind cart pulled by Nick.

We took off cruising down a path of yellow leaves, a steady breeze rustling the ones on the trees and releasing some down to twirl on us as we rode. I joked with the kids, "it's like we are in a leaf "snow globe!" we tried to catch leaves as they fell on us. The kids loved it. We stopped at the peaceful stream that ran along the path. We went out onto a large leaf covered rock. Sam wanted to throw in rocks but there were none to be found, so they picked up arm fulls of leaves into the air to land in the rushing water to be carried away.

And every moment was bliss that I was soaking in like the warm sun shinning on us. UNTIL...the little diva had to go pee pee. We learned she's not quite the kind to "rough it" outdoors.
"I pee pee inside!!!"
So for 30 minutes I sang Old McDonald over and over while we pedaled as fast as we could looking for a bathroom. So we rode on. And finally found a cafe that had just closed who graciously let us in for the diva.

But for the most part, there was quiet conversation of Gods beauty surrounding us and of the quietness itself.
"Mommy it's so quiet out here"
"I love being here with just our family."
And my favorite:
"Mommy I just saw a leaf shaped like a heart!" -Sam
"Aww did it remind you of how much you love Mommy?!?" -me

"Yeah, and how much I love God.". -Sam

Oh Lord my heart is full. That was just showing off your goodness.

I wanted to get off my bike and find that very leaf and frame it and hang it on my wall and REMEMBER the moment FOREVER.

Then God whispered His Word to me and a heard it in the quietness of my perfectly content heart:

but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them
Often. Luke 2:19

I didn't find the leaf.  Or even one shaped like it.  But I tucked the memory away deep in my heart and have already thought of that "blissful leaf snow globe" ride through the mountains many times since then.  For I know know that the Season raising these precious little people God has entrusted to us will one day pass into the next.  Sometimes I wish I could pause the earth rotating on its axis, so time would stand still, like on this perfect fall day.  But instead I will praise God for the gifts of today, and reflect back on these precious memories when the laundry piles up, the toys take over, and the bickering of little siblings threaten to frustrate me.  

Thank You Lord for this